/ Privacy Policy and
Terms of Use

Hugebone takes care of your (“you” or “user”) personal data and does everything possible to protect it. This Privacy Notice is written to help you understand how your personal data is collected, stored and used and what happens to it when you use our website (“website”).

Purpose and scope of this Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice is our (data controller) statement to you (data subject) that describes how we collect, use, retain and disclose personal data. This Privacy Notice applies to the data we may obtain from third parties.

Personal data we process

We do not knowingly process personal data of user’s under the age of 18 without consent from a legal representative(s). If you are such a user or the legal representative of the users please let us know by email: privacy@hugebone.com

We collect and receive information from and about you by different means described below.

The data we process is divided into categories: technical data, data provided to us by the users and data obtained from third parties.

When you visit our website, some data is collected automatically.
IP address, UTM parameters, geolocation, device type, browser type, cookies, User-agent, User ID and data about your interaction with the website - session ID.

Period of data storage

We store users data during the use of our services and for 3 years afterwards. We store technical data for up to 3 years.

/ Please note. Some data is contained in documents required by law to be stored for a longer period of time (for example, accounting documents).

You can exercise your right to delete your data. In this case, we will delete your data from our servers within 30 days of your request.

/ Please note. The duration of data storage received from third parties is determined by the relevant privacy documents of such services.

Information on data transfer

We use your personal data to perform a contract and for communication between the users and us.

Also, we transfer your data on the following grounds:
/ Consent. We transfer your personal data based on your explicit consent.
/ Compliance with the law. We will disclose your personal data to third parties to the extent that it is necessary:
- to comply with a government request, court order, or applicable law;
- to prevent unlawful use of our website or violation of the Terms and Conditions of our website and our policies;
- to protect against claims of third parties;
- to help prevent or investigate fraud.

/ Legitimate interest or performance of the contract. We transfer your personal data to third parties based on a public offer for processing on our behalf, subject to technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data.

Your privacy rights

We, as a service provider, meet the best global practice in data protection (GDPR) and present the rights stipulated there.

You, as subjects of personal data, have the following rights:
- the right to access;
You can request an explanation of the processing of your personal data.
- the right to portability;
You can request all the data that you provided to us, as well as request to transfer data to another controller.
- the right to restrict processing;
You may partially or completely prohibit us from processing your personal data.
- the right to file complaints;
You can file a complaint to the regulatory body.
- the right to be forgotten;
You can send us a request to delete your personal data from our systems unless there is a legal requirement to keep it.
- the right to withdraw consent;
For data that you have previously consented to, you can always withdraw your consent, and we will stop processing it.

/ Please note. We may ask you to verify your identity before responding to a request.

You are also entitled to:
- protection of your personal data;
- application of legal remedies;
- to know the mechanism of automatic processing of personal data;
- protection against an automated desicion that has legal consequences for you.

To exercise your rights, write us an email at privacy@hugebone.com. We will answer you as soon as possible.


This Privacy Notice and the relationships falling under its effect are regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection" and GDPR. Existing laws and requirements for the processing of personal data are subject to change. In this case, we will publish a new version of the Privacy Notice on our website. If significant material changes are made that affect your privacy and confidentiality, we will notify you by displaying information on the main page of our website and ask for your consent if necessary.